ESPN Bottomline 2.0

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Is it over yet?

It's not over yet. You don't have to say maybe next year yet. Being a Yankee fan is tough these days especially when you live in Red Sox country. Everywhere I go instead of harassing me about my loyalty to the Yankees people are giving me sincere sympathy. I'm wondering if a government bailout of the Yankee collapse is soon to come. Where's the fan protests of out of control spending of the Yankee fans money? Where's the outrage over the big player bonuses? What happened to all of them great players? Why doesn't anyone write a good book about the Yankees any more? Where's the steroids when you need them? I have one message to my fellow Yankee fans. "Remain calm because the season is long and there's plenty of time for the Yankees to pull together as a team." While you're waiting you can watch Joe Torre manage the Dodgers and imagine how things used to be.

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